When it all goes badly wrong
Some campaigns will always be stronger than others, but I think we still ought to highlight the true pups. Two concepts currently running on the London Underground have particularly caught my eye.
The first is for a product that fights fungal toe infections, called Curanail. In a wordplay car crash, the copywriter has decided that leaving your malady untreated would be "criminail". This gag is repeated three times in a short poster and laboured to the point of embarrassment in this God-awful TV spot: http://www.curanail.co.uk/tv-advert.html Although the agency creatives and account handlers have behaved in a criminail fashion, it's the client who surely deserves to be doing a stretch in the Scrubs.
I'd carve out another wooden spoon for Savanna Dry. The South African cider is running with some of the most convoluted ad concepts it's been my misfortune to see in a long time. Take this piece of copy, for example, which appears alongside a black-and-white photo of a tube escalator:
"Show your SUPPORT for people who don't know their RIGHT from LEFT. Put LEMON in your CIDER. Support a life less sweet. Savanna. It's dry. But you can drink it."
Enough taglines already for starters. But what exactly are they getting at? Answers on a postcard to Babco (UK) Ltd of Gravesend, who import the drink and obviously employ creatives who are struggling to recognise RIGHT from LEFT themselves.
In 1968, David Ogilvy wrote a letter that was distributed at New York's Grand Central Station to help raise money for an African-American college fund. The opening line asked readers to look out of the train window when they reached 108th Street. Seeing with their own eyes the homes of the impoverished black students, they donated $26,000 in one evening. A simple idea that proved incredibly powerful. And an inspiration for this blog on advertising creativity around the world.